Jonathan Lee Jonathan Lee

When The Church Hurts

I have had onversations with individuals scarred by past church experiences reveal deep wounds caused by financial mismanagement, sexual misconduct, and abuse. Some switch congregations, while others abandon church altogether, their faith shaken to its core, and welcome the deconstruction movement.

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Jonathan Lee Jonathan Lee

Convicted with Truth

As you navigate the challenging yet immensely rewarding journey of ministry, let the life and legacy of John Knox serve as a beacon of encouragement and inspiration. In the tapestry of history, Knox stands as one of the most vibrant and influential figures of the Scottish Reformation, a man whose impact resonates across the centuries.

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Jonathan Lee Jonathan Lee

Are You In a Transition?

Whether you're transitioning to a new role within your ministry or stepping into a higher leadership position, it's crucial to consider several key factors. These insights are drawn from my own experiences in various ministry roles, each presenting its unique challenges and opportunities.

Ultimately, I hope you have spent time in prayer over the decision. The Bible tells us to ask for wisdom and I do believe that God graciously gives it (James 1:5). I would strongly encourage you to dedicate time to prayerfully discerning this decision as you seek guidance from the Holy Spirit.

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Jonathan Lee Jonathan Lee

Preach The Gospel To Yourself

The gospel encapsulates the profound message of Jesus Christ — his identity and purpose. It serves as a constant reminder of our essence apart from Christ, exposing the gravity of our sins and the magnitude of His grace. This transformative message is not just about what Christ came to do but also about who we are becoming through Him.

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Jonathan Lee Jonathan Lee

Do I Wave The White Flag?

In the midst of burnout and frustration, it's easy to entertain thoughts of surrender. Too many ministry leaders find themselves at this crossroads each year. But before succumbing to the urge to throw in the towel, consider the following points I wish I had been reminded of during my lowest moments in ministry

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Jonathan Lee Jonathan Lee

Why Should I Ask For Prayer?

Is it simpler to offer prayers for someone rather than seeking prayers for yourself? Perhaps there’s a hesitation, a concern of not wanting to burden others with personal issues.

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Jonathan Lee Jonathan Lee

Be an Encourager

There are individuals who leave a lasting impact, offering more than just a positive outlook on life. It’s not about viewing life as a glass half full or making lemonade out of lemons. It’s about encountering someone who, with few words, guides you to what truly matters in the moment, leaving you not just with a smile but with a resilient spirit to face challenges.

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